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Family Tributes

My mum was my rock,

my friend,

my confidante,

my adviser,

my mentor,

my stylist,

my critique,

my prayer intercessor,

my financial advisor,

my counsellor,

my culinary skills coach,

my elocution teacher,

my posture corrector,

my travel and shopping companion,

my art collector,

my moral compass,  

my career inspirer,

And my pillar of strength on whom I leaned when Kenny passed.

So, what on earth do I do now? My grief compounded. The vacuums just seem to multiply…unfillable.

We spoke multiple times a day and now the deafening silence. 

You were always there, but now the emptiness. 

How does one capture a lifetime spent together?    


And so the memories float like dreams merging into each other.   

My mind oscillates from one memory to the other.  That elegant and gracious “hostess with the mostest”, even behind the Iron Curtain, and getting it down to a fine art in Paris in the 60’. From my earliest history lessons, us going in search of the Bronze Horseman in Leningrad and you exposing me to an early cultural immersion at the Bolshoi ballet in Moscow.  You tended those roses so tenderly at A 11 Boyce Road when the Airport area was still residential. 


Once I was old enough, I was your shopping partner in London’s West End, and couldn’t wait for the exciting break for lunch before returning to a fun filled family evening, playing WHOT with Rubsio and Uncle B at Oakhampton Road.  At night I watched you write your impeccable judgments, in the largest books ever (was that when Acheampong vs Acheampong or Amarteifio vs Amarteifio were birthed?)  The sacrifices made to be a weekend only mum when you were transferred to Koforidua, an official residence so perilously close to the Courthouse and your indignance at attempts to influence you! 


I can still hear the tune ‘A Whiter shade of Pale’ on the way to Ada, and my mind goes back to when the Volta tide was pulling me out so slowly, that it almost went unnoticed but of course you did!  The warmth of your hospitality at the open house Tuesdays is still palpable, and when I went to Achimota, your unique containers with ‘homemade’ shared widely. We travelled the world and I remember Far East wonders, even the cremation of a King in Bali, the tearful trip to Westonbirt and your pride when I was called to the Bar. Your creativity flowing everywhere you lived, and your art, your Faberge and marble eggs, your silver and artefacts, followed you as if with a mind of their own. 


I remember your incredible sustenance of all friendships,and pointing out your former hostel at Lyndhurst Road to me excitedly,  whose surviving Hospicians you were still in touch with, almost 70 years on.  Memories of Paris throw up the light and darkness of the Bois de Boulogne, the haven you created at the Seizieme arrondissement apartment; walking the Avenue des Champs-Élysées till our legs felt wobbly, picking up art pieces at Montmartre and fun with friends at the LIDO.  I can still feel the glow of the Italian sun and the sound of our laughter on the Spanish Steps, picturing the Gladiators in the Colosseum, and witnessing the transformation of another grand residence.


You took leave from your work to be with me, for the birth of each of your grandchildren, and you finally came home to be with Kenneth, the kids and me with fascinating stories from your international career.  We were blessed with the legendary Boxing Day lunches, joining us for fun on the farm, your impeccably wrapped gifts, stopping by to visit us almost every day, and waiting for your malva pudding.


I will try to perpetuate the value system.  Politeness to a fault, uncompromised correctness, ethics made for ethics, upholding the law, unblemished careers, elegance and impeccable even in the backyard, table etiquette, consideration always for others, embracing cultures, art and interiors, styling for the occasion, reading widely, diplomacy, prioritizing health and family first.

The legacy continues.


Sleep well, my dearest mother, your job is done.  You have more than made your mark. Requiescat in Pace.


My Tribute to Mama T


Mama T was a Living Legend to those who knew her life’s story, her professional accomplishments; High Court Justice, First Female High Court Judge, Zimbabwe, and Ghanaian Ambassador. Yet to me, she was the first “beautiful” black woman I remember meeting as a child, beautiful, stylish and demure.  Throughout the decades that followed she was widely admired for her iconic style, her great fashion taste, her grace and above all the ease with which she appeared to make this happen effortlessly.  


Her iconic smile, distinctive voice, and the amusing way she recounted tales were priceless. I learned from the many sympathisers who graced us with their presence at Scott House after her passing, that she was “Our Mum” to so many others whose lives she touched in various ways. From those she inspired, cared for, was acquainted with, to those whose services she relied on. This was not a new or unexpected revelation, but rather a humbling reflection of who she really was.  


Keeping meticulous account of all kinds of data, from rainfall, to who sat next to whom at her diplomatic receptions, what she wore and the dishes served, to avoid repeat performances.  Being an Ambassador without “a wife” proved to be as much of a challenge as admitting she was not the kind of Grandma who baked cookies, but would happily conjure up the best peanut brittle!  


Forever full of surprises, Mama T was planning to move back to Scott House, as well as planning to return to London with Zoe and I on 5th September. She was planning to take what she considered to be a much needed break, see a few people and visit her favourite shops, having felt cheated by Covid and not having travelled for so long.   


The sudden passing of our Beloved Mama T on 5th September 2021, the very same day she had proposed travelling back with us, left us devastated, heart-broken and stunned by such a huge loss. The great loss for our family, resulting in my leaving Accra weeks later not just without her, but in her place a void of emptiness.  Having spent so much time here in our home, as did Kenny, Mama T’s presence, as does his, will not only live on in our hearts but be felt in our home forever and ever.  


Mummy take good care of Kenny, and may your spirit be eternally entwined with his and those you treasured most who passed before you, especially that of Winky, Auntie Ruth, Auntie Ewuraesi and Uncle Sydney. 


May you Rest in Perfect Peace.

Eternal Love, Yasmin 


Tribute to Mama T


How do you sum up a lifetime of memories in a few words?  It’s an impossible task.


I have known Mama T since the early sixties, when I first met my father’s new wife and my three-year old sister, Geta, in Paris.  She was beautiful, elegant, sophisticated and accomplished then, and so she remained for the rest of her life.  I am eternally grateful for the gracious way she accepted me as her daughter, and for the love she has shown me throughout my life.  She was truly a mother to me.  


I will leave it to others to pay tribute to her countless professional accomplishments.  Suffice it to say that she was a formidable role model, whose example was proof, if any were needed, that a woman can set her sights as high as any man.  Judge, diplomat, envoy, she brought courage, humour and insight to every challenge she faced throughout her amazing career.  The example she set was inspirational.  She was one of Ghana’s finest.  


Of course, to us, her close family, Mama T was so much more than her public persona.  She was there for us in joy and in sadness.  She was there for us in crisis and at times of celebration.  She was the very core of our family, our bedrock.  Consistently generous and welcoming, invariably knowledgeable and wise, she leaves a Mama T-shaped hole in our hearts that can never be filled.


As we come to terms with her loss, we are resolved to celebrate and give thanks for her impressive life.  How honoured we are to have known her.  How blessed we are that our lives were touched and inspired by her example.  She was a remarkable woman. A Ghanaian woman.  A woman of the 20th century.  A woman of the world.  A genuine ‘class act’.  To say that we will miss her is an understatement.  To say that we will always love her is a given.  To say that we will endeavour to honour her by endeavouring to live up to her example, is something we can only aspire to.  But we will try our very best. 


Goodbye, Mama T.  You did what you came here to do.   May you rest in perfect peace.


“That’s my grandmother”.


One of the proudest things I will say for the rest of my life is: “that’s my grandmother”.


Nearing 90 but hard to tell, she was as elegant as can be.

There are really no words that can truly honour my dear Grandma T.

But in my attempt to try, I’ll say a few,

A truly remarkable woman, to those who knew.


Outside her illustrious career, she was everything and more,

Her sense of fashion was expressed beautifully in everything she wore. 

She wore manicured nails, delicate jewellery and high-end shoes,

Every colour she wore splendidly, especially her favourite, the blues.  


From Bucharest to Paris to London to Rome,

her house was always decorated, as the perfect home. 

From her manicured gardens, to her classic silverware,

She always had an incredible art piece that was so stunningly rare. 


After-school at Scott House was such a big part of my youth,

She was extremely generous and charitable, just like her sister, Ruth.

Always sharing, always caring, they were everyones’ Aunty.

I remember them sitting together, always chatting happily in Fante. 


Birthdays always came with calls, gifts and everything exciting, 

I’ll forever treasure her cards, with her iconic and legendary handwriting.

Going on vacation with her was always such a treat,

She would buy me everything, from my head to my feet. 


After losing my best friend and father, her passing felt like a curse,

‘That’s my granddaughter’, was the last thing she said to her nurse.

I know that everyone will die, but this timing was poor,  

How does my grandma breaking her arm lead to my mother on the floor?


She wasn’t ill, she wasn’t diseased, she wasn’t feeble, she wasn’t slow, 

Even that day at the hospital, she didn’t look like anyone who was ready to go. 

For that reason, the news of her passing was even harder to take,

I’ve thought about it a lot, and it will forever be a terrible ache. 


I once had three grandmothers, and I’m grateful I still have a legendary one,

I’ve been blessed with unconditional love from them that is second to none.

Even though I’m hurt and heartbroken, I’m also incredibly proud,

There are those three words I’ll always say confidently aloud:


“That’s my grandmother”.



Kat & GranTee.jpg

Tribute to Gran T


Gran T lived a long life of constant selfless and unprompted expression of love. Sometimes I would find myself asking her what she did to equally treat herself as well as she does others. I felt some sort of balance was necessary but it seemed she created her joy from seeing those she loved succeed and prosper.


Her influence on the planet was simply unmatched and to this day I still receive texts from foreign numbers and social media accounts that tell stories of how she aided them through some very tough times of theirs when she had no obligation or personal need to do so whatsoever. 


She was more than just an ambassador of state but more importantly an ambassador of hope and going forward I can only hope to do justice to that timeless legacy. 


Rest easy Gran T...


I will miss you very much Gra’ma and know you are watching over me, always. 

Thank you for being such an inspirational figure.

Thank you for your kindness, your care, your love. Thank you for everything you have been to me.


You will be a happy memory that forever makes me smile, and I will never forget the fact we both love the colour blue.


I Love You Lots Gra’ma.


Missing you.


Zoe Q


As a school boy and then as a university student I spent the most amazing summers and vacations with you in the Scott House. I was awed how everything in your home reflected your elegance: your decor, your exquisite meals even the great raintree that loomed over the expanse of your garden. 

Your art collection nimbly leapt across continents and epochs; and held as much intrigue as the brillant architecture itself. 

Those wonderful Accra nights always ended the same way.  After a meticulous crafted dinner with lots of family, friends and guests or something simple and delicious for just us - I would sit with you; and you would tell me stories:

Intimate stories of Nkrumah and Uncle B, of life as a child in Apam with your Grandma, tales of Achimota relocating to Aburi as World War II raged, snippets of steam ship voyages, of your legal education in Imperial Britain, of diplomatic life in the Eastern bloc, stories of the lives of people in Accra society across the decades.  You shared thousands of stories that told me who we are as a people; as a family and also that informed who I aspire to be.

Stories from your marriages, from the bench, stories of reconnecting with family in far away lands - you shared these deeply personal stories with me as recently as a few months ago. And you told them with extraordinary courage and heartstopping vulnerability.   

It came as a suprise to no one that when I found a beautiful Fanti superwoman, with a bright future in law and artistic flare we married the same year.  Grandma T, you set that matrix. 

Just as your home displayed wondrous objects worth preserving, your stories and the way you lived handed down cherished values and principles to successive generations:  Kindness, hospitality & fairmindedness. 

You could dissolve a room into laughter with your comic impressions of just about anyone but were too gracious to do that often.  You epitomized style - sychronizing the best of the Ghanaian culture and Western traditions.

I was so thrilled that you came to 
Tsili's 8th Birthday party in Aburi this August.  You toured our timber country house and spritely bounded up two flights of stairs taking in the views and commenting on design considerations.  You presided over three generations of your progeny and their friends delighting in each other's company as you had for almost a century.

I'll always remember the look on my sons' faces, all avid music students when I told them you had a stack of letters from Louis Armstrong written in his distinctive green ink. 

You hosted scores of my friends and treated us to recipes you had honed over decades of entertaining statesmen, dignitaries and loved ones.  You lavished us with osso buco, paella, Ghanaian stews, langoustinos in ginger cream sauce, your signature creme caramel, melva pudding and peanut brittle.  I shared my first beer with you one hot afternoon in Accra.  

No expense was too much, no effort to taxing to make us all feel valued and loved.  The presentation was always flawless.  It didn't matter if the guests were college kids or Ministers - everyone got your VIP treatment. 

I'll always remember those countless trips to Akosombo, Kokrobitey, Ada and Aburi;  your delightful Christmas lunches; our time together in Paris & London and your visit to my school in Ohio. 

Grandma, you and your peers founded and served a nation that I could move to as a young adult, start a family and find happiness in.  I don't know how to express my gratitude for that gift.  I'll do my best to improve the country you've left us.  

My greatest honour will always be being your grandson.  Grandma T, Thank you for all the love you poured into me and your tremendous life of service. 

To our dearest Aunty T

That we have lost the last of our matriarchs feels surreal. The sudden passing of our dear aunt, affectionately known to us as “Auntie T” or “Mama T”, and to the younger generation as “Grantie” or “Madame Scott”, came to us as a huge shock.  Auntie T was active, vibrant and independent until a few days before she passed. She continued to exhibit amazing independence until her last day.  As we left her hospital room the night before she passed, she enquired about making payment for her private nurse! 


As young children, we were in awe of our stylish, elegant aunt, and were always impressed with her effortless grace, chic and exquisite taste. Our aunt epitomized elegance and style, and we were immensely proud of her. These were attributes inherited from her mother; our beloved grandmother, Ewuraba Katsina, who was a style icon in her time. 


The trail Mama T blazed in her career was truly inspirational. Among her myriad of accomplishments, she was the first female high court judge in Zimbabwe’s judicial history. Subsequently, as Ghana’s ambassador to France and Italy, accredited to a few other European countries, she carried out her duties with exemplary poise. Auntie T was the embodiment of sophistication and decorum. She brought a certain grace and refinement to everything that she did, and was a role model for us.  She was the ultimate inspiration…


The closeness between Aunty T, our dear mother Ruth and our dear aunt Rita, their younger sister, was exceptional and worthy of emulation. Our mothers referred to each other as “Sister Ruth”, “Sister Therese” and “Sister Rita”, with immense and genuine affection. The bond and example was such that we their children were brought up as siblings, and relate to each other as such; rather than as cousins. 


We recall fond memories of our dear aunt. On occasions when our parents were abroad, Kojo spent part of his school holidays with Aunty T and Merene spent time with her in France. We remember with fondness the time spent with her, and the encouragement received from her.  We also have precious memories of family holidays together.  Through Aunty T, we became imbued with the love of art and artefacts and shortly before she passed, she purchased a beautiful Kowalski painting and called Merene to see whether she was interested in a second one available.


We feel a lingering sense of loss. The last of our matriarchs has left us. Our family Christmas lunch gatherings will never be the same again without our dear Madame Scott. First instituted in the home of Mum Ruth, while Mama T hosted the Boxing Day lunches, these gatherings became pivotal to our bond as family. Mama T took these events very seriously, and as their generation grew older and handed the baton to us, she would start to remind us at least three months to Christmas, whose turn it was to ‘’host’’ the family Christmas lunch in a particular year. She would follow up with us in her usual organised manner, to ensure that all the arrangements were on course.


Aunty T, cherished memories of you remain indelible.  Following in the footsteps of you and your dear sisters, please rest assured that we will always be there for Geta, our sister, and that she will not feel alone.


Kojo and Merene


Mama T, you left us too soon.  Thank you for all you did and wanted for us. 

In the words of Bishop Dick Essandoh: “Two weeks before your passing, together with Geta, Merene and Yasmin, we had dinner at my house, your first visit since I moved in.  How could I possibly have known it would be the last time I would see you?  How I kick myself that for some strange reason, I didn’t even take pictures.  I remember telling Merene after that visit, that finally having you all at mine, had transformed my house into a home.”

There is so much to be thankful to Aunty T for, but one thing Bishop Dick will never forget, was her subtle role in his transformation.  During one of his trips to visit her in Paris, Mama T asked Dick to escort her to a child naming ceremony, of one of her embassy staff.  That ceremony was a life-changing moment for Dick.  During the ceremony, as he listened to the worship songs, the unuttered seed of Godly devotion, planted by the example and prayers of Auntie Ruth, was stirred in him.  Mama T arranged for Dick to have a copy of the worship tape, and the more he listened to the lyrics, the deeper his hunger and quest to seek God.  On his return to London, he started attending church, first at St. Jude’s on the Hill in Hampstead Garden Suburbs, and subsequently at Action Church.  Auntie T, became among so many roles in Dick’s life, God’s chosen conduit to an unexpected destiny.  


Per Edwin Essandoh, “Auntie T was the younger of our mother’s two older and only siblings.  She was the middle daughter in a trio that were the “Three Mothers” to me, and my brothers and sisters.  As significant as anyone else to my foundation, and to my earliest insight into the larger world beyond my childhood experiences, losing Auntie T, the last-surviving of my mothers, has left me with a void in my heart, and a lingering sense of displacement”. 


On a trip to Ghana in early 2020, Edwin had dinner with an Achimota Primary boarding school classmate of his, whom he had not seen in almost 40 years.  The classmate mentioned that one of the things he always recalled about Edwin was that he had a “white” mother, which he found remarkable as Edwin is dark-skinned.  By “white mother” he was referring to Auntie T!  It was no coincidence.  Auntie T regularly visited Edwin and his younger brother, Frank, at Achimota School.  She would always show up with delicious meals and treats and their friends looked forward to those visits almost as much as they did. Edwin told his former classmate that not only was Auntie T his aunt, Mrs. Scott, but she was in fact very Fanti.  As it turned out, Edwin’s friend was currently sitting on a board with Auntie T, but had not recognized her as Edwin’s “white mother” from their days in school!  That dinner encounter with Edwin’s former classmate is just another indicator of Aunty T’s outsized role in the lives of her nieces and nephews.


A little over 20 years ago, Edwin was in Ghana to pursue a project with a team from his U.S employer, none of whom had ever been to Africa.  Mama T hosted the team for lunch and an afternoon of wonderful conversation.  To this day, Edwin’s colleagues ask about Aunty T, whenever Edwin meets or speaks with them.  They remember still, her kindness, warmth, grace and brilliance.


In the words of Frank, “You were always a woman of tremendous beauty within and without, a mother to me and my siblings.  You had the perfect blend of aunt and friend, and showed us how important we were to you at all times”. He recollects that during his Achimota primary days, Auntie T enabled his wellbeing beyond measure.  He cannot forget the “homemade” she sent on weekend visits, the smell lingering in the dormitory air for hours on end.  His chop box stayed in heavy rotation “thanks to you”.  He recollected that there would be extreme anticipation and excitement whenever they were visiting Aunty T.  


Auntie T never forget birthdays or Christmases, even when her busy and full life found her abroad; she always returned bearing belated gifts.  These gifts continued later on in life beyond childhood. 


Catherine Aldred says, “Aunty T, it is hard to believe that the angels have carried you home at a time we least expected.  You left a legacy that will be read through the generations, current and to come.  You left a mark in our hearts, that nothing will ever erase.  With gratitude and praise, I thank you for all you have done for me and my siblings”.  It is comforting to know that Auntie T is reunited with Uncle Winky, Nanaa, Aunty Ruth and Mummy.


For Ruth Nyameke, Mama T was more than a mother and touched her life in so many ways.  She taught Ruth how to live life to the fullest, and taught her how to face the world with her selfless acts of kindness, intuitive advice, and love for family that can never be forgotten.  Mama T was a precious gift from God – beauty, grace, love, and patience are all attributes that she possessed.  Ruth adds, “I will forever love and adore you mom, for everything that you taught me in life.  Your death took away joy from my life, but I will always hold on to the beautiful memories of times spent with you in those years past”.


Jones adds that: “The wonderful memories I have of you will continue to remain with me forever.  One of the highlights of my teen years was when you sent me a pair of Reebok air pump sneakers in boarding school.  The numerous letter we used to exchange, of course mine were mostly requests and petitions, which were for the most part fulfilled and more.  You never ceased to encourage, advise, motivate and inspire me to be a better version of myself”.  

“I got to travel on an aeroplane for the first time because of you.  You broadened my horizon beyond the shores of Ghana.  People would usually walk up to me, and ask if I was related to Judge Ambassador Striggner-Scott, (probably because we share the same last name ‘somewhat’).  I would proudly answer in the affirmative; “Yes, she is my aunt,” and would go further by adding; “She is my mom’s older sister”, for emphasis.

Winky and Aunty T shared many memories, and he is thankful for the grace to have loved her, and been loved by her.  Auntie T stayed involved in Winky’s life and was there at his university graduation, at his wedding and was one of the first people to visit when his son was born.  Winky knew he could always count on her.


In the words of Winky Scott Arthur, as it is always important to give God thanks in all things.  He is therefore, thankful that Aunty T:

•    Was loved & surrounded by her family and friends
•    Was full of life and laughter
•    Was an epitome of beauty, inside and out.  Her smile could even make the sun jealous
•    Had a refreshing sense of humor
•    Her elegance and kindness echoed
•    She ran her race with integrity, grace, kindness, humility and love.
•    And finally, God was gracious to have been with her until the end.


“Auntie T did not surrender to death, but to life after death.  Let’s cry no more.  Auntie T is not gone, she simply returned to the One who gave her life”.


Aunty T, all our lives, we have felt specially loved by you.  We regret not telling you how much you meant to us, and the depth of the respect we have for you.  We thank you from the bottom of our hearts for the unconditional love you had for all of us.  You are forever cherished and never to be forgotten.  You left us too soon.  


May God rest your beautiful soul in His peace, until we meet again.


We kept in touch as our paths crossed now and then. When I decided to take our daughters, Sandra and Estelle, on a visit to Paris in 1990, where she was then serving in her own right as Ghana’s Ambassador to France, I called and asked her if she would let her driver meet us. She kindly and graciously acquiesced to my request, and had us collected from the Coach Terminal, with a hamper thoughtfully filled with assorted cooked food, and delivered safely to our lodgings.

Sandra and Estelle were delighted to meet her in person when she invited us to her tastefully and impressively furnished Residence on the second floor of 6 Boulevard Suchet near the Bois de Boulogne, overlooking M. Marcel Dassault’s residence, with its garden dotted with a display of gnomes. The Residence was nothing in comparison to what it was like in the 1960s, when it was occupied by the 2nd in command, the Head of Chancellery, or to the flat on the 3rd floor (above hers) where I had lived during my posting to Paris.

We continued to keep in touch, and when I told her of Kofi’s demise in Santa Cruz, California on July 4th this year, just about two months before her own passing as it turned out, she was very sorry to hear the news. It was therefore, an unexpected shock when I heard that she herself had passed away.
May her gentle soul rest in perfect peace


We were blessed with a very special family member who responded to many names - Mummy, Sister Theresa, Sissie, Grantie, Auntie T, Mama T, Mrs. Scott, and easily the most famous of all - Madame Scott! We are very proud of you, our dear Grantie, and we will forever be proud of you.

Everything about you was exceptional. You were unique in all ways, and to us you were a living legend. The life lessons you imparted to us were of the highest quality; from achieving academic excellence as a girl child in school, to being the first female High Court Judge in Zimbabwe, a great diplomat, and an honourable Ambassador of Ghana. Indeed, you accomplished a lot, and reached the uppermost echelon of your career through hard work, determination, diligence and dedication. You will forever be a shining example for us all to follow in life.

Remarkable indeed was the love and bond you shared with our dear Grandma Ruth. To hear the words spoken - “Sister Ruth,” and the response,” Sister Theresa”, only meant two things - immense love and respect. We are still waiting to hear any other older sibling refer to their younger sibling as Sister!
When you moved to Ghana after working abroad, we all got to experience you, and enjoy many wonderful moments in your home. Your immaculate homes in Ghana and in the UK, were permanently well kept, with stunning art, marble and silverware collections and beautiful sculptures. Just like the Smithsonian National Museum in the US, your home always stood the test of time, beauty and elegance.

You were a very accomplished and strong lady, and inspired our whole generation, and many more to come, with your sense of style, your finesse, great career accomplishments, and immense knowledge of current affairs.  We admire your contribution to society, and efforts to make this world a better place, by your own actions, and influencing the actions of others to also do the right thing, at all times.

A beautiful lady, blessed with impeccable style and elegance. What an Icon! Grantie was a classy and intelligent lady, like Grace Kelly. She had a love for fine and exquisite things. If she liked something, it meant it was beyond reproach; and if she didn’t, you would know immediately.

We will always remember the wonderful holidays we spent, visiting Grantie in France and Italy. Even though she was busy with her high-powered role as an ambassador, she made time to host her grandnieces and grandnephews, and ensured that she shared her rich and unique travel and cultural experiences with us.

It really saddens us that Grantie left us so suddenly, without a goodbye. There was so much to learn and to say. It was a comfort having her here, as she was the last of our beloved Grandma Ruth’s sisters. She was admired by all who had the privilege of meeting her, and will be sorely missed.

When we think of Grantie, we think of lovely mini African carved figurines, solid glass eggs, and tasteful art of all kinds.

When we think of Grantie, we think of discipline; loading your plate with only what you can eat, not a drop more, and not being wasteful, even if there is plenty.

When we think of Grantie, we think of academic excellence, discussing her locus classicus cases at Law School, and laughing at lecturers arguing over whether she was Canadian or Austrian. When we think of Grantie, we think of Amarteifio v Amarteifio, Acheampong v Acheampong, and all her landmark judgments.

We are sad, we knew it would hurt when Grantie left, but we didn’t expect it to hurt this much. The things we take for granted in life - we thought we had a little more time to connect and build. We miss our conversations with you about art, culture and the world in general; you always challenged us.


We will miss you dearly. Please tell our darling Pink Lady, we miss her terribly.

Dear Grantie, you lived, you loved, and you conquered - thank you for setting the bar so high.

Distinguished Lady, beloved Grand Aunt, rest in perfect peace.

Kwame Nkrumah, Nana I.B., Catherine Ewuraba Katsina, Zoe Mama Lally, Maa Ruth, Merene Nanah, Papa Kojo and Terry.

©2021 by Family of Therese Striggner Scott

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